Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Monthly Archives: March, 2024

The 16 Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up Every Irish Freshers Week

Well, pretty much every college around the country is in the throes of Freshers' week and all the dire debauchery that it entails, not...

Get 10/10 In This TV Trivia Quiz And Be In With A Chance To Win A Laptop

It's back to school time and while you might be stressing about the finer details, get off to a head start by winning yourself...

The Horrific Clothes All Irish Girls Wore To Teenage Discos

Ah, the teenage disco, a weird and wonderful time from your adolescence. It was a place where fashion forgot and shifting was in large...

10 Hacks Anyone With A Tiny Bedroom Must Know

College students will know just how awful it is having basically just one square metre of space to yourself, but it doesn't have to be...

BBC Presenter Makes Cringe-Worthy Gaffe Asking Schoolgirl About ‘Netflix And Chill’

BBC Spokesperson : "Noel was clearly not aware of any other connotation of this term and expanded his question immediately to ask the interviewee...
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