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HomeEntertainmentLast Night's Derry Girl's Highlights: Socks, Sweets, Colm & Drunk Clare

Last Night’s Derry Girl’s Highlights: Socks, Sweets, Colm & Drunk Clare


Ms.De Brún

The biggest highlight of last night’s episode was definitely the addition to the new Dead Poet’s Society-esque teacher, Ms. De Brún, who waltzed in with her care-free attitude and amazing eyeliner, inspiring the girls to get into all kinds of mischief through-out the entire episode, which will be included in further highlights from last night’s episode.

Orla’s Dog Pic

First off, was when Ms. De Brún read aloud their poems, embarrassing most and knocking Erin down a peg or two, I couldn’t help but love Orla’s. When Ms. De Brún whipped out Orla’s ‘poem’ that was actually a drawn picture of a dog, and praised her for her skills, Orla’s face gave me my first LOL of this weeks episode, when she was clearly realising another fantastic trait of hers that she can add to step aerobics and hunting.

‘An English Rose Among Thorns’

C’mon James, you English pr***.

The Return Of Colm

The one thing that was on everybody’s mind coming into the second season of Derry Girl’s was whether we’d get to see the return of good aul’ uncle Colm. This weeks episode saw all the adults jumping on Ma Mary’s and Da Gerry date night, with uncle Colm being dragged along and caught up in deep discussion with the poor ticket girl before being pulled away by Mary, who was apologising profusely.

Christmas sweets

This is something that we can all relate to after growing up in Ireland. The sweet drawer – where all the best sweets get hidden for Christmas. Where more times than most, the sweets stay there over Christmas waiting for ‘guests’ who aren’t even worth the treats in the end, and so they end up staying there for years until they’re too far gone to digest.

Hurling, Mass & Socks

Ms. de Brún getting the girls to fire sliotars across the school grounds while shouting about something that pisses them off, was one of the most hilarious scenes of the show. Starting out with ‘injustice’ and ‘prejudice’, it quickly turned back to real problems like Michelle’s ‘Mass’ and Orla, of course, with her new found anger towards her own socks.

Drunk Clare

Nicola Coughlan has now thanked comedy queen, Amy Phoeler for inspiration during this scene, saying that she is the best drunk actor she’s ever seen..

The Eyeliner

This is just a highlight of my own. Ms. de Brún’s eyeliner – How does she do it! Can we get a tutorial please?

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